Tuesday, August 12, 2014

True color of red cherry shrimp ???

"What is going on?"
When I saw that red cherry shrimp at the store, it was dark red. But when it's packed in plastic bag and checked out again inside your car..... it lost its color .... why? (Female Red Rili Shrimps are more resistant to this color changes).

Cherry shrimps can changed its color by changing arrangement of color pigments called chromophore under their exoskeleton similar to squid or cuttlefish. When shrimp dies, its color get change too.

Shrimp changed its color when exposed to external stress. When you stress them by removing from their habitat, they change color, a sort of like camouflage..

When you finally arrive home and put them in your nicely decorated aquarium with lots of hiding places, they will gradually gain their beautiful coloration. You can also enhance their color by setting up darker colored gravels or sands (black is best). Also feeding diet rich in beta carotene also enhances their coloration.

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