If you have aquarium with bare minimum (no hiding place, no plants (fake or live)), just gravel only... you shrimps will be ok alone but with other non peaceful inhabitants like Betta or angelfish, they will be all hunted down in a matter of minutes. Even with peaceful community fish like guppy or neon tetra, small baby shrimps are not completely safe. Even adult shrimps can get too much stress by harassing fish and eventually die.
So it all boils down to "Hiding places". more the better!
Next, what is your goal? Do you want to keep them as member of community or breeding colony? If they see their own kind more often, they get less stressed. Similar to those schooling fish behavior. If you have enough numbers of cherry shrimps in your tank, they are not afraid of other fish so much. They will move around the tank freely, like of like helicopters roaming around the sky. And eventually into breeding mode.
Here's my experience of cherry shrimp compatible fish (not attacking adult cherry shrimps).
- Pearl gourami
- Dwarf gourami
- African dwarf frog
- neon tetra
- rummy nose tetra
- guppy
- cory catfish
Not compatible fish
- Gold fish
- Betta
- Angel fish
- Cichlids
- Loaches
- Any fasting moving fish with big mouth
Can you provide your location or your contact.
Sorry I can't leave my contacts in public website but I am in San Diego, CA.