Sunday, August 10, 2014

Breeding Red cherry and Rili shirmps

When you make red cherry and Rili shrimps happy, they will make more of them. You would need both male and female shrimps to do this. Males are smaller, less colorful but much more active than females. Female has less curvature on their back, bigger and more colorful.
 After mating, female cherry shrimp will carry eggs under the belly for entire period. Swimmeret will aerate eggs during this period (cool!!). Tiny baby shrimps will come out when they are ready (about a month depend on water temperature).  They need hiding places if you have a community fish tank. Even small fish like neon tetra will hunt for baby shrimps. Best place for hiding is taiwan moss or java moss.

Berried females

Female with saddle on the back.
 You can tell when female is ready for breeding by looking for saddle on their back.

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